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The specific heat C may be derived in a simple way, within our current
spin-wave approximation, by noting that the excitation spectrum is the
same as that for a non-interacting Bose system, so that the entropy
is fully determined by the statistics of independent bosons of energies
E q ( T ):
S = k B
(1 + n q )ln(1+ n q )
n q ln n q ,
(5 . 3 . 2)
and hence
C = T∂S/∂T = k B T
( dn q /dT )ln { (1 + n q ) /n q },
or, with n q = e βE q ( T )
1 1 ,
C =
E q ( T ) dn q /dT
= β
(5 . 3 . 3)
n q (1 + n q ) E q ( T ) E q ( T ) /T
∂E q ( T ) /∂T ,
as in (3.4.17).
The first derivative of F with respect to the angles θ and φ can be
obtained in two ways. The first is to introduce S , as given by (5.3.2)
into (5.3.1), so that
= ∂U
E q ( T ) ∂n q
m q ,b q
∂m q
= ∂U
∂m q
∂b q
∂b q
E q ( T ) ∂n q
m q ,b q
= ∂U
(5 . 3 . 4)
= J A q ( T )and ∂U/∂b q
= J B q ( T ),
as it can be shown that ∂U/∂m q
when U =
, and hence that each term in the sum over q
in the second line of (5.3.4) vanishes, when (5.2.32) is used. This result
is only valid to second order in 1 /J . However, a result of general validity
H 0 +
H 1 +
H 2
∂F/∂θ =
/∂θ ,
(5 . 3 . 5)
asdiscussedinSection2.1,inconnectionwitheqn(2.1.5). Thetwodif-
ferent expressions for ∂F/∂θ , and corresponding expressions for ∂F/∂φ ,
agree if
H 2 , i.e. to second
order in 1 /J . However, the results obtained up to now are based on the
in (5.3.5) is approximated by
H 0 +
H 1 +
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