Environmental Engineering Reference
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We have introduced the dynamic correlation function S αβ (
), defined
by eqn (3.2.13), with
α = N 2
and β = N 2
J e −i κ · R j
J j β e i κ · R j ,
and the corresponding susceptibility function χ αβ (
), utilizing the
relation between the two functions given by the fluctuation-dissipation
theorem (3.2.18).
An important consequence of (4.2.2-3) is that the inelastic scat-
tering of neutrons is proportional to the correlation function S αβ (
which is essentially the Fourier transform of the probability that, if the
moment at site j has some specified vector value at time zero, then the
moment at site j has some other specified value at time t .Aninelas-
tic neutron-scattering experiment is thus extremely informative about
the dynamics of the magnetic system. Poles in the correlation function,
or in χ αβ (
), are reflected as peaks in the intensity of the scattered
neutrons. According to (4.1.2) and (4.1.3), each neutron in such a scat-
tering peak has imparted energy and momentum h
to the sample,
so the peak is interpreted, depending on whether is positive or neg-
ative, as being due to the creation or annihilation of quasi-particles or
elementary excitations in the system, with energy
and crystal mo-
mentum h q = h (
κ τ
), where
is a reciprocal lattice vector. A part
of the momentum h
may be transferred to the crystal as a whole. If
the sample is a single crystal, with only one magnetic atom per unit
cell, S αβ (
is normally chosen so
that q lies within the primitive Brillouin zone. The form factor in the
scattering amplitude is not however invariant with respect to the addi-
tion of a reciprocal lattice vector. This interpretation of the poles in
S αβ ( q ) governs the choice of sign in the exponential arguments in
both the temporal and the spatial Fourier transforms.
The relation (4 . 2 . 3 c ) between the scattering function and the gen-
eralized susceptibility implies that the neutron may be considered as
a magnetic probe which effectively establishes a frequency- and wave-
vector-dependent magnetic field in the scattering sample, and detects
its response to this field. This is a particularly fruitful way of look-
ing at a neutron scattering experiment because, as shown in Chapter
3, the susceptibility may be calculated from linear response theory, and
thus provides a natural bridge between theory and experiment. Using
the symmetry relation (3.2.15), which may here be written χ αβ ( q ,z )=
χ αβ (
)= S αβ ( q =
κ τ
), where
z ), it is straightforward to show that χ αβ ( q )+ χ βα ( q )is
q ,
real and equal to Im χ αβ ( q )+ χ βα ( q ) . In addition, the form of the
inelastic cross-section, and also the result (3.3.2) for the dissipation rate,
impose another analytic condition on the function χ αβ ( q )+ χ βα ( q ).
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