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and the reciprocal relation
2 π
f ( ω ) e −iωt dω.
f ( t )=
(3 . 1 . 6 b )
In order to take advantage of the causality condition (3.1.5), we shall
consider the Laplace transform of φ BA ( t ) (the usual s is replaced by
iz ):
χ BA ( z )=
φ BA ( t ) e izt dt.
(3 . 1 . 7 a )
z = z 1 + iz 2 is a complex variable and, if 0
e −t dt is assumed
φ BA ( t )
0 + , the converse relation is
to be finite in the limit
+ i
2 π
χ BA ( z ) e −izt dz
φ BA ( t )=
> 0 .
(3 . 1 . 7 b )
−∞ + i
When φ BA ( t ) satisfies the above condition and eqn (3.1.5), it can readily
be shown that χ BA ( z ) is an analytic function in the upper part of the
complex z -plane ( z 2 > 0).
In order to ensure that the evolution of the system is uniquely de-
termined by ρ 0 = ρ ( −∞ )and f ( t ), it is necessary that the external
perturbation be turned on in a smooth, adiabatic way. This may be
accomplished by replacing f ( t )in(4)by f ( t ) e t ,> 0. This force
vanishes in the limit t →−∞
, and any unwanted secondary effects may
be removed by taking the limit
0 + . Then, with the definition of the
'generalized' Fourier transform
e iωt e −t dt,
B ( ω )
B ( t )
= lim
0 +
(3 . 1 . 8)
eqn (3.1.4) is transformed into
B ( ω )
= χ BA ( ω ) f ( ω ) ,
(3 . 1 . 9 a )
where χ BA ( ω ) is the boundary value of the analytic function χ BA ( z )on
the real axis:
χ BA ( ω ) = lim
0 +
χ BA ( z = ω + i ) .
(3 . 1 . 9 b )
χ BA ( ω ) is called the frequency-dependent or generalized susceptibility
and is the Fourier transform, as defined by (3.1.8), of the response func-
tion φ BA ( t ).
The mathematical restrictions (3.1.5) and (3.1.7) on φ BA ( t )have
the direct physical significance that the system is respectively causal
and stable against a small perturbation. The two conditions ensure that
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