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0 . 03 at zero temperature. The negative sign of b shows that the
fluctuations of the moments within the plane are larger than those out of
the plane, as measured respectively by
J y
J x
,since O 2 = J x
J y .
/J (2) are compared with
the predictions of the Callen-Callen theory, and of the linear spin-wave
theory developed in Chapter 5, in which the MF values (5.3.23) of m o
and b o are used, instead of (5.3.18). The Callen-Callen theory predicts
that both thermal averages vary like I 5 / 2 ( σ ), which is not consistent
with a b different from zero. Furthermore, the effective power-laws in
the zero-temperature limit are changed from σ 3 to
O 2 ±
O 2
In Fig. 2.2 the numerical results for
O 2
O 2
σ 2 . 65 ,
σ 3 . 3 . The predictions of the spin-wave theory are con-
sistent with the numerical results at low temperatures, both with respect
to the absolute magnitude of the expectation values and to the effective
power-laws, and it appears to give a reasonably correct description of
O 2 + O 2
Fig. 2.2. Calculations of the dependence of the expectation values
of the Stevens operators O 2 ± O 2 on the relative magnetization in Tb.
The numerical calculations described in the text differ from the Callen-
Callen result I 5 / 2 ( σ ), but agree at low temperatures with the predictions
of spin-wave theory.
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