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exchange and Zeeman energies,
ρ MF ( x )= 1
( 0 ) J 2 σ + B JH
Z exp( xJ z /J )
x = β
(2 . 2 . 1)
where σ = M/M 0 is the relative magnetization, the direction of which
is assumed to be parallel to the field. In this case the n th moment of J z
is determined as
J n exp( xp/J ) .
( J z /J ) n
σ n =
(2 . 2 . 2)
p = −J
This equation offers the possibility of relating the higher moments σ n to
the first moment, which is the relative magnetization σ 1 = σ , without
referring explicitly to the MF value of x in eqn (2.2.1). According to the
analysis of Callen and Shtrikman (1965), the functional dependence of
σ n on σ has a wider regime of validity than the MF approximation, be-
cause it only utilizes the exponential form of the density matrix, which
is still valid when correlation effects are included in the random-phase
approximation, where the excitations are collective spin-waves, as we
shall discuss in Section 3.5. Furthermore, they found that the functions
σ n = σ n ( σ ); n
2, derived from (2.2.2), only depend very weakly on the
actual value of J , and for increasing values these functions rapidly con-
verge towards the results obtained in the limit of infinite J (Callen and
Callen 1965). In this limit, the sums in (2.2.2) are replaced by integrals,
and the reduced diagonal matrix-elements of the Stevens operators are
(1 /J ( l ) ) <J z = p
J z = p> J→∞
O l
= δ m 0 c l P l ( u = p/J ) ,
(2 . 2 . 3)
where the J ( l ) are defined by eqn (1.5.25), P l ( u ) are the Legendre poly-
nomials, and c l are constants. Multiplying the terms in the sum in
(2.2.2) by ∆ p = J u = 1, and then taking the limit J
P l ( u ) e xu du 1
= 1
( x ) I 2
c l J ( l )
( x )= I l + 2
O l
e xu du = I l + 2
( x ) .
(2 . 2 . 4)
I l + 2
( x ) is the usual shorthand notation for the ratio of I l + 2
( x )to I 2
( x ),
i ) l + 2 J l + 2
and the functions I l + 2
( ix ) are the modified spherical
(or hyperbolic) Bessel functions. The relative magnetization
( x )=(
σ = I 2
( x )=coth x
is the familiar Langevin function
( x ) and, eliminating x in (2.2.4) by
L 1 ( σ ), we finally arrive at
writing x =
[ σ ]= I l + 2 L 1 ( σ ) ,
(2 . 2 . 5)
= δ m 0 c l J ( l ) I l + 2
ith I l + 2
O l
( σ )
[ σ ]
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