Biology Reference
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TABLE 9.1 Different Types of Synthetic Gene Circuits
Type of Synthetic Gene Circuit
Gardner et al. 5
Atkinson et al. 54
Stupak and Stupa 55
Boczko et al. 56
Greber et al. 57
Ghim and Almas 58
Kramer and Fussenegger 59
Isaacs et al. 60
Lou et al. 61
Kramer et al. 62
Xiong and Ferrell 63
Ptashne 64
Zordan et al. 65
Huang et al. 66
Ajo-Franklin et al. 67
Elowitz and Leibler 6
Atkinson et al. 54
Goodwin 68
Stricker et al. 69
Fung et al. 70
Tigges et al. 71
Tigges et al. 72
Austin et al. 73
Hooshangi et al. 74
Basu et al. 75
Sohka et al. 76
Muranaka and Yokobayashi 77
Weber et al. 78
Greber and Fussenegger 79
You et al. 80
Kobayashi et al. 81
Balagadde et al. 82
Danino et al. 83
Communication modules
Anderson et al. 84
Guet et al. 85
Rackham et al. 86
Rinaudo et al. 87
Stojanovic et al. 88
Win and Smolke 89
Logic gates
To date, most synthetic gene networks have been constructed using the classical
digestion-based molecular cloning method that has several inherent limitations.
Multiple steps are often required, which makes this classical cloning technique both labor-
and time-intensive. Moreover, the use of restriction enzymes would leave a restriction site-scar
between annealed DNA fragments. Molecular cloning with specific restriction enzymes can
also be potentially hindered by the presence of multiple restriction sites within either the
target gene sequence or the destination vector backbone. These limitations may be overcome
through newly developed restriction-enzyme free molecular cloning techniques that enable
scarless, sequence-independent multipart DNA assembly, such as SLIC (sequence and ligase
independent cloning), 51 Gibson DNA assembly, 52 and CPEC (circular polymerase extension
cloning). 53 All that is required is for the target gene sequence to be PCR amplified with
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