Databases Reference
In-Depth Information
# Source in our library file
. C:\DBAScripts\dbaLib.ps1
[String] $strQuerySql = ""
[String] $strInsertSql = ""
[String] $strUpsertSql = ""
[String] $strUpdateSql = ""
# Empty the utility table DiskUsageByServer.
[String] $sqlQuerySql = "TRUNCATE TABLE [dbo].[DiskUsageByServer];"
Invoke-Sqlcmd -Query $sqlQuerySql -ServerInstance $inventoryServer -Database
# Gets all the SQL Server hosts.
$strQuerySql = "SELECT hostID, hostName FROM Hosts"
$sqlhosts = Invoke-Sqlcmd -Query $strQuerySql -ServerInstance $inventoryServer
-Database $inventoryDatabase
# Loop through the list of hosts.
Foreach ($sqlhost in $sqlhosts) {
$strUpsertSql = ""
$sqlHostID = $sqlhost.hostID
$sqlHostName = $sqlhost.hostName
# First step, for every host, gets all the local drives.
# Insert into or Update the DiskSpace table with the total size and free space
of each drive on the host.
$devices = Get-WmiObject -computerName $sqlHostName -Class Win32_LogicalDisk -
filter "DriveType = 3"
Foreach ($device in $devices) {
$strUpsertSql = $strUpsertSql + "exec uspUpsertDiskSpace " + $sqlHostID
+ ", '" '
+ $device.DeviceID.SubString(0,1) + "', " + $device.Size/1024 + ", " +
$device.FreeSpace/1024 + ";`n"
Invoke-Sqlcmd -Query $strUpsertSql -ServerInstance $inventoryServer -Database
# Second step, query every instance on the host.
# Insert into the DiskUsageByServer table with the space used for data files,
log files, FILESTREAM and full text catalogs on every instance.
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