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Microsoft releases patches on a monthly basis and many require reboots. Therefore, it is always useful to
know when a SQL Server host was last rebooted — that is, its uptime. Uptime helps us decide when to
schedule a reboot.
As you learned in Chapter 15, the Upsert-Host.ps1 script queries the Win32_OperatingSystem
WMI class on each host, and updates the OS information in the Hosts table. One of the columns,
lastBootUpTime , contains the last time each host was rebooted.
Let's create a script to call Upsert-Host.ps1 on all the SQL Server hosts in our inventory. The Update-
SQLServerHosts.ps1 script is shown here:
# Source in our library file
. C:\DBAScripts\dbaLib.ps1
[String] $strQuerySql = ""
[String] $strCommand = ""
# Construct Upsert-Host.ps1 commands for every host in the inventory
$strQuerySql = "SELECT 'C:\DBAScripts\Upsert-Host.ps1 -hostName ' + hostName
+ ' -region ' + region + ' -location ' + location
+ ' -primaryBU '" + primaryBU
+ '" -description '" + description + ''" as Command
FROM dbo.Hosts"
$commands = Invoke-Sqlcmd -Query $strQuerySql -ServerInstance $inventoryServer -
Database $inventoryDatabase
# Execute the Upsert-Host.ps1 commands
Foreach ($command in $commands) {
$strCommand = $command.Command
Invoke-Expression $strCommand
Execute the Update-SQLServerHosts.ps1 script to update host information (see Figure 18-7):
As long as the host information is up-to-date, simply run the following query against the Hosts table and
you will get how many days, hours, and minutes the hosts have been up:
USE SQL_Inventory
SELECT Convert(char(20), GETDATE(), 20) AS [Now]
SELECT hostName, lastBootUpTime,
DATEDIFF(MINUTE, lastBootUpTime, GETDATE())/24/60 as 'Days',
- (DATEDIFF(MINUTE, lastBootUpTime, GETDATE())/24/60)*24 as 'Hours',
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