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where n is the number of internal nodes in the initial decision tree and
C is the number of leaves in the target (pruned) decision tree. This
is an improvement of the OPT algorithm presented by Bohanec and
Bratko (1994). One important characteristic of the OPT-2 algorithm is its
significant flexibility. The OPT-2 works sequentially, generating the trees
of the sequence one after the other in increasing order of the number
of leaves (that is in the order DT 1 , DT 2 , DT 3 ,.... ). This differs from
OPT which simultaneously generates the whole sequence of pruned trees.
Sequence generation in OPT-2 can be terminated once a tree with adequate
predetermined criteria is found.
Given that trees DT 1 , DT 2 ,..., DT i− 1 have already been generated,
OPT-2 finds DT i in time Θ( n ), where n is the number of the internal nodes
of the initial decision tree. Thus, if the number of leaves of the target tree is
C , the total running time of OPT-2 will be Θ( nC ). Since the goal is to prune
the tree, C is habitually much smaller then s . Additionally, n is smaller than
s , specifically in the case of attributes with many values. Hence, OPT-2 is
usually more ecient than OPT in terms of execution time.
Although both OPT and OPT-2 are based on dynamic programming
the two algorithms differ substantially in the way the problem is divided
into sub-problems. The approach adopted in OPT is usually viewed as a
“bottom-up” approach, where the idea is to compute solutions for the sub-
trees rooted at the lowest level of the tree. These solutions are then used to
compute the nodes of the next upper level. This process is repeated until the
root of the initial tree is reached. A basic characteristic of this “bottom-up”
approach is that the trees DT i of the pruning sequence are simultaneously
computed as we advance towards the root. These pruned trees are not final
unless we reach the root. However, once it is reached, the whole sequence
becomes available at once.
The OPT-2 produces the pruned trees one after the other using an
algorithm derivative of a dynamic programming method given by Johnson
and Niemi (1983). Unlike the bottom-up approach of OPT, processing
in OPT-2 is done in a left to right fashion: Given that we have already
computed trees DT 1 , DT 2 ,..., DT i− 1 and that necessary intermediate
results for these computations are kept in memory the OPT-2 algorithm
finds DT i from these through a linear 'left to right' pass over the tree.
In optimal pruning the error of each DT i in the sequence should be a
minimum over all pruned trees of i (or less) leaves. To date, the only two
works that address optimal pruning are Bohanec and Bratko's paper (1994)
and Almuallim's paper (1996).
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