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Fig. 16.4 A modified decision tree for recommender systems.
the two groups. However, different splits may result in different group
sizes. Comparing the size of the intersection between splits of different
sub-relation sizes would not be sucient since an even split for example
(half the tuples in group A and half in group B ) would probably have a
larger intersection than a very uneven split (such as one tuple in group
A and all the rest in group B ). Instead, we look at the probability of our
split's item-intersection size compared to a random (uniform) split of similar
group sizes. A split which is very likely to occur even in a random split is
considered a bad split (less preferred) since it is similar to a random split
and probably does not distinguish the groups from each other. A split that
is the least probable to occur is assumed to be a better distinction of the
two subgroups and is the split selected by the heuristic.
More formally let us denote:
items ( S )= π ItemID ( S ), where π is the projection operation in relational
algebra, the set of all ItemIDs that appear in a set S .
O i ( S )=
,where σ is the select operation in relation
algebra, is the number of occurrences of the ItemID i in the set S .
σ ItemID = i ( S )
Let S q ( q denotes the number of ratings) be a random binary partition
of the tuples in Ratings into two sub-relations A and B consisting of k and
k tuples, respectively. We are interested in the probability distribution
of S q ≡|
( items ( A ) items ( B )
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