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the number of dimensions increases, the sample size needs to increase
exponentially in order to have an effective estimate of multivariate densities
[ Hwang et al . (1994) ] .
This phenomenon is usually referred to as the “curse of dimensionality”.
Bellman (1961) was the first to coin this term, while working on complicated
signal processing issues. Techniques like decision trees inducers that are
ecient in low dimensions fail to provide meaningful results when the
number of dimensions increases beyond a “modest” size. Furthermore,
smaller classifiers, involving fewer features (probably less than 10), are
much more understandable by humans. Smaller classifiers are also more
appropriate for user-driven data mining techniques such as visualization.
Most methods for dealing with high dimensionality focus on Feature
Selection techniques, i.e. selecting a single subset of features upon which
the inducer (induction algorithm) will run, while ignoring the rest. The
selection of the subset can be done manually by using prior knowledge to
identify irrelevant variables or by using proper algorithms.
In the last decade, many researchers have become increasingly inter-
ested in feature selection. Consequently, many feature selection algorithms
have been proposed, some of which have been reported as displaying
remarkable improvements in accuracy. Since the subject is too broad to
survey here, readers seeking further information about recent developments
should see: ( [ Langley (1994) ] ; [ Liu and Motoda (1998) ] ).
A number of linear dimension reducers have been developed over the
years. The linear methods of dimensionality reduction include projection
pursuit [ Friedman and Tukey (1973) ] ;factoranalysis [ Kim and Mueller
(1978) ] ; and principal components analysis [ Dunteman (1989) ] .These
methods are not aimed directly at eliminating irrelevant and redundant
features, but are rather concerned with transforming the observed variables
into a small number of “projections” or “dimensions”. The underlying
assumptions are that the variables are numeric and the dimensions can
be expressed as linear combinations of the observed variables (and vice
versa). Each discovered dimension is assumed to represent an unobserved
factor and thus provide a new way of understanding the data (similar to
the curve equation in the regression models).
The linear dimension reducers have been enhanced by constructive
induction systems that use a set of existing features and a set of predefined
constructive operators to derive new features [ Pfahringer (1994) ] ; [ Ragavan
and Rendell (1993) ] . These methods are effective for high dimensionality
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