Agriculture Reference
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6 Ted Benton (1994) indicates that: 'There is now quite widespread agreement
that. . . the dualistic opposites between subject and object, meaning and cause, mind and matter,
harm and animal, and above all, culture (or society) and nature have to be rejected and transcended.
The really difficult problems only start here, however.'
7 Röling (2000) 'Gateway To the Global Garden'.
8 For a summary of social capital principles, see Pretty and Ward, 2001.
For the main social capital literature of the past, see Tonnies, 1887; Kropotkin,
1902; Jacobs, 1961; Bourdieu, 1986; Coleman, 1988, 1990; Putnam, 1993,
9 For more on trust, see Gambetta, 1988; Fukuyama, 1995; Baland and
Platteau, 1998.
10 For more on reciprocity, see Coleman, 1990; Putnam, 1993; Platteau,
11 For more on rights and responsibilities, see Taylor, 1982; Colins and
Chippendale, 1991; Coleman, 1990; Elster, 1989; Etzioni, 1995.
12 For more on connectedness, see Uphoff, 1993; Cernea, 1993; Flora,
1998; Grootaert, 1998; Woolcock, 1998; Ward, 1998; Rowley, 1999; Barrett
et al, 2001.
13 Firstly, there are local connections, comprising links between individuals
within groups and communities. Local-local connections imply horizontal
connections between groups within communities or between communities, which
sometimes become new higher-level institutional structures. Then there are local-
external connections, in which vertical connections between local groups and
external agencies or organizations can be one way, usually top-down, or two way.
External-external connections refer to horizontal connections between external
agencies, leading to integrated approaches for collaborative partnerships. Finally,
there are connections between individuals within external agencies.
14 See Pretty et al, 2001; Dobbs and Pretty, 2001a, 2001b.
15 See, for example, de los Reyes and Jopillo, 1986; Cernea, 1987, 1991;
Uphoff, 1992; Pretty, 1995; Pretty et al, 1995; Bunch and López, 1996;
Narayan and Pritchett, 1996; Röling and Wagemakers, 1997; Singh and Ballabh,
1997; Uphoff, 1998; Pretty and Hine, 2001.
16 Cernea, 1987.
17 On the 'dark side' of social capital, see Olson, 1965; Taylor, 1982; Knight,
1992; Portes and Landholt, 1996.
18 Barrett et al, 2001.
19 For more on the problem of free riders, see Grootaert, 1998; Dasgupta
and Serageldin, 2000; Ostrom, 1998. For more on social innovation, see Boyte,
1995; Hamilton, 1995.
20 Long and Long, 1992; Röling and Jiggins, 1997; Pretty and Buck, 2002.
21 For a typology of seven different types of participation, see Pretty,
22 Kang et al, 1984; Lal, 1989; Carter, 1995.
23 See Röling, 1997; Pretty, 1995b; Argyris and Schön, 1978; Habermas,
1987; Kenmore, 1999; Maturana and Varela, 1992.
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