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Type II. Theory for understanding
This type of theory says how and why something occurred. Theory from interpretive
approaches can be used as sensitising devices that allow greater insights into familiar
situations (Klein and Myers, 1999). Conjectures can be drawn on the basis of a number
of limited observations that are used as a basis for hypothesis formation and theory
Type III. Theory for predicting
Predictive theories say what will be, given the presence of certain conditions. These
theories give predictive power without necessarily having explanatory power (Dubin,
1978). Again, knowledge of this type, such as statistical regularities, can yield hypotheses
for theory building.
Type IV. Theory for explaining and predicting
This type of theory says what is, how, why, and what will be. It is the type of theory
commonly specified in the 'scientific' perspective (Dubin, 1978).
Type V. Theory for design and action
Design theory is the prescriptive type of theory that gives principles for the construction
of a tool or artefact to meet a set of meta-requirements (Hevner et al., 2004; Iivari, 2003;
Simon, 1996). Design theory is informed by, and can inform, theory for explaining and
Concluding remarks
The purpose of this paper is to show that the distinctive nature of information systems
research, being concerned conjointly with the study of artefacts and human behaviour,
requires a meta-understanding of theory that draws on work from the philosophy of
science (both natural and social) in addition to work on the sciences of the artificial.
Some of the misunderstandings surrounding the concept of positivism also need to be
exposed and removed, so that full value can be gained from readings in the philosophy
of science, which underpins notions of theorising. The outcome is that five interrelated
forms of theory can be distinguished, all of which are needed for information systems
research. Acknowledging the contribution that each type of theory can make will allow
work in information systems to proceed in a more integrated manner.
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