Java Reference
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var messages = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName(“daily”);
var dateobj = new Date();
var today = dateobj.getDay();
return messages[today].firstChild.nodeValue;
First, use the getElementsByTagName() method to retrieve the <daily/> elements. As you already
know, this will return a node list of all the <daily/> elements. The next task is to fi nd a numerical
representation of the day of the week. Do this by fi rst creating a Date object and using its getDay()
method. This gives you a digit between 0 and 6 , with 0 being Sunday, 1 being Monday, and so on; the
digit is assigned to the today variable. Finally, use that variable as an index of the messages node list
to select the correct <daily/> element and retrieve its text.
You may have noticed that xmlDoc in getDailyMessage() isn't declared anywhere in the head of the
HTML document. It is used in createDocument() , but that variable is declared within the context of
the function. You actually declare the global xmlDoc in the body of the HTML page.
<div id=”messageContainer”></div>
<script type=”text/javascript”>
var xmlDoc = createDocument();
xmlDoc.async = false;
document.getElementById(“messageContainer”).innerHTML = getDailyMessage();
The fi rst HTML element found in the body is a <div/> element with an id of messageContainer . Use
this <div/> to display the message of the day.
Following the <div/> is the last <script/> element in the page. In this code block, you create a DOM
document and assign it to the global xmlDoc variable. Then load the motd.xml fi le synchronously and
set the message container's innerHTML to the message of the day by calling getDailyMessage() .
Try It Out Tabulating Doggie Data
In this example, you will write an application that uses an XML document containing data about one of
your author's dogs. Open your text editor and type the following:
<title>Chapter 12: Example 11</title>
<script type=”text/javascript”>
function createDocument()
var xmlDoc;
if (window.ActiveXObject)
var versions =
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