Java Reference
In-Depth Information
alert(“You moved over the Special Text”);
document.getElementById(“p”).ondblclick = handle;
document.getElementById(“h1”).onclick = handle;
document.getElementById(“span”).onmouseover = handle;
This code is slightly different from the last example using HTML attributes. The elements are given id
attributes to allow easy access to their objects in the DOM with the getElementById() method. Each
element is assigned an event handler, which calls handle() when their respective events fi re. The result
is the same as before; the user sees an alert box telling them they moved their mouse pointer over the
Special Text.
Using Event Data
The standard outlines several properties of the Event object that offer information about that event: what
element it happened at, what type of event took place, and what time it occurred? These are all pieces of
data offered by the Event object. The following table lists the properties outlined in the specifi cation.
Properties of the Event Object
Indicates whether an event can bubble passing control from
one element to another starting from the event target and bub-
bling up the hierarchy.
Indicates whether an event can have its default action canceled.
Indicates which the event target whose event handlers are cur-
rently being processed.
Indicates which phase of the event fl ow an event is in.
Indicates which element caused the event; in the DOM event
model, text nodes are a possible target of an event.
Indicates at what time the event occurred.
Indicates the name of the event.
Secondly, the DOM event model introduces a MouseEvent object, which deals with events generated
specifi cally by the mouse. This is useful because you might need more specifi c information about the
event, such as the position in pixels of the cursor, or the element the mouse has come from.
Properties of the
MouseEvent Object
Indicates whether the Alt key was pressed when the event was generated.
Indicates which button on the mouse was pressed.
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