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do this in the for loop, where instead of starting at 0 and working up as you usually do, you start at a
number greater than 0 and decrement until you reach 0, at which point you stop looping.
for (indexCount = numberOfParts - 1; indexCount >= 0; indexCount--)
reversedString = reversedString + textArray[indexCount];
if (indexCount > 0)
reversedString = reversedString + “\n”;
Finally, you assign the text in the textarea element to the new string you've built.
textAreaControl.value = reversedString;
After you've looked at regular expressions, you'll revisit the split() method.
The replace() Method
The replace() method searches a string for occurrences of a substring. Where it fi nds a match for this
substring, it replaces the substring with a third string that you specify.
Let's look at an example. Say you have a string with the word May in it, as shown in the following:
var myString = “The event will be in May, the 21st of June”;
Now, say you want to replace May with June . You can use the replace() method like so:
myCleanedUpString = myString.replace(“May”,”June”);
The value of myString will not be changed. Instead, the replace() method returns the value of myString
but with May replaced with June . You assign this returned string to the variable myCleanedUpString ,
which will contain the corrected text.
“The event will be in June, the 21st of June”
The search() Method
The search() method enables you to search a string for a particular piece of text. If the text is found,
the character position at which it was found is returned; otherwise -1 is returned. The method takes
only one parameter, namely the text you want to search for.
When used with plain text, the search() method provides no real benefi t over methods like indexOf() ,
which you've already seen. However, you'll see later that it's when you use regular expressions that the
power of this method becomes apparent.
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