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Try It Out Opening New Windows
Let's look at the example mentioned earlier of a products page in which clicking a product brings up a
window listing the details of that product. In a shameless plug, you'll be using a couple of Wrox books
as examples — though with just two products on your page, it's not exactly the world's most extensive
online catalog.
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC “-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN”
<html xmlns=””>
<title>Chapter 8: Example 4</title>
<script type=”text/javascript”>
var detailsWindow;
function showDetails(bookURL)
detailsWindow =, “bookDetails”,
<h2>Online Book Buyer</h2>
Click any of the images below for more details
<h4>Professional Ajax</h4>
<img src=”pro_ajax.jpg” alt=”Professional Ajax, 2nd Edition” border=”0”
onclick=”showDetails('pro_ajax_details.htm')” />
<h4>Professional JavaScript for Web Developers</h4>
<img src=”pro_js.jpg” alt=”Professional JavaScript, 2nd Edition”
border=”0” onclick=”showDetails('pro_js_details.htm')” />
Save this page as ch08_examp4.htm. You'll also need to create two images and name them pro_ajax
.jpg and pro_js.jpg. Alternatively, you can fi nd these fi les in the code download.
Note that the window will not open if the user disabled JavaScript — effectively breaking your web
page. You can, however, get around this by surrounding the <img/> element with an <a/> element,
assigning the href attribute to the topic details page, and using the <a/> element's onclick event
handler to return false after launching the new window as follows:
<a href=”pro_ajax_details.htm”
onclick=”showDetails(this.href); return false;”>
<img src=”pro_ajax.jpg” alt=”Professional Ajax” />
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