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Then you write out the number and some descriptive text.
document.write(“<h3>The number you entered was “ + myNumber + “</h3><br />”);
document.write(“<p>The rounding results for this number are</p>”);
Notice how this time some HTML tags for formatting have been included — the main header being in
<h3> tags, and the description of what the table means being inside a paragraph <p> tag.
Next you create the table of results.
document.write(“<table width=150 border=1>”);
document.write(“<tr><td>parseInt()</td><td>”+ parseInt(myNumber) +”</td></tr>”);
document.write(“<tr><td>ceil()</td><td>” + Math.ceil(myNumber) + “</td></tr>”);
document.write(“<tr><td>floor()</td><td>”+ Math.floor(myNumber) + “</td></tr>”);
document.write(“<tr><td>round()</td><td>” + Math.round(myNumber) +”</td></tr>”);
You create the table header fi rst before actually displaying the results of each rounding function on a
separate row. You can see how easy it is to dynamically create HTML inside the web page using just
JavaScript. The principles are the same as with HTML in a page: You must make sure your tag's syntax
is valid or otherwise things will appear strange or not appear at all.
Each row follows the same principle but uses a different rounding function. Let's look at the fi rst row,
which displays the results of parseInt().
document.write(“<tr><td>parseInt()</td><td>”+ parseInt(myNumber) +”</td></tr>”);
Inside the string to be written out to the page, you start by creating the table row with the <tr> tag.
Then you create a table cell with a <td> tag and insert the name of the method from which the results
are being displayed on this row. Then you close the cell with </td> and open a new one with <td> .
Inside this next cell you are placing the actual results of the parseInt() function. Although a number
is returned by parseInt() , because you are concatenating it to a string, JavaScript automatically con-
verts the number returned by parseInt() into a string before concatenating. All this happens in the
background without you needing to do a thing. Finally, you close the cell and the row with </td></tr> .
The random() Method
The random() method returns a random fl oating-point number in the range between 0 and 1 , where 0
is included and 1 is not. This can be very useful for displaying random banner images or for writing a
JavaScript game.
Let's look at how you would mimic the roll of a single die. In the following page, 10 random numbers
are written to the page. Click the browser's Refresh button to get another set of random numbers.
<script type=”text/javascript”>
var throwCount;
var diceThrow;
for (throwCount = 0; throwCount < 10; throwCount++)
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