Java Reference
In-Depth Information
is the LHS greater than or equal to the RHS?
is the LHS less than the RHS?
is the LHS greater than the RHS?
if statement. Using the if statement, you can choose to execute a block of code (defi ned
by being in curly braces) when a condition is true . The if statement has a test condition, speci-
fi ed in parentheses. If this condition evaluates to true , the code after the if statement will
else statement. If you want code to execute when the if statement is false, you can use
the else statement that appears after the if statement.
Logical operators.
To combine conditions, you can use the three logical operators: AND, OR,
and NOT, represented by && , || , and ! , respectively.
The AND operator returns
true only if both sides of the expression are true.
The OR operator returns
true when either one or both sides of an expression are true .
The NOT operator reverses the logic of an expression.
switch statement. This compares the result of an expression with a series of possible cases
and is similar in effect to a multiple if statement.
Looping with
for,, while, and do...while . It's often necessary to repeat a block of
code a number of times, something JavaScript enables by looping.
for loop. Useful for looping through code a certain number of times, the for loop
consists of three parts: the initialization, test condition, and increment parts. Looping
continues while the test condition is true . Each loop executes the block of code and
then executes the increment part of the for loop before re-evaluating the test condition
to see if the results of incrementing have changed it.
The loop. This is useful when you want to loop through an array without
knowing the number of elements in the array. JavaScript works this out for you so that
no elements are missed.
while loop. This is useful for looping through some code for as long as a test con-
dition remains true . It consists of a test condition and the block of code that's executed
only if the condition is true . If the condition is never true , the code never executes.
do...while loop. This is similar to a while loop, except that it executes the code
once and then keeps executing the code as long as the test condition remains true.
and continue statements. Sometimes you have a good reason to break out of
a loop prematurely, in which case you need to use the break statement. On hitting a
break statement, code execution stops for the block of code marked out by the curly
braces and starts immediately after the closing brace. The continue statement is simi-
lar to break , except that when code execution stops at that point in the loop, the loop
is not broken out of but instead continues as if the end of that reiteration had been
Functions are reusable bits of code.
JavaScript has a lot of built-in functions that provide pro-
grammers services, such as converting a string to a number. However, JavaScript also enables
you to defi ne and use your own functions using the function keyword. Functions can have
zero or more parameters passed to them and can return a value if you so wish.
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