Java Reference
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document.write(“Hope you enjoy it<br />”);
document.write(“Your age is “ + userAge);
You've added a line to the body of the function that uses the parameter you have added. To call the
function, you'd write the following:
The second parameter is a number, so there is no need for quotes around it. Here the userName param-
eter will be Paul , and the second parameter, userAge , will be 31 .
Try It Out Fahrenheit to Centigrade Function
Let's rewrite the temperature converter page using functions. You can cut and paste most of this code
from ch3_examp4.htm — the parts that have changed have been highlighted. When you've fi nished,
save it as ch3_examp5.htm .
<script language=”JavaScript” type=”text/javascript”>
function convertToCentigrade(degFahren)
var degCent;
degCent = 5/9 * (degFahren - 32);
return degCent;
var degFahren = new Array(212, 32, -459.15);
var degCent = new Array();
var loopCounter;
for (loopCounter = 0; loopCounter <= 2; loopCounter++)
degCent[loopCounter] = convertToCentigrade(degFahren[loopCounter]);
for (loopCounter = 2; loopCounter >= 0; loopCounter--)
document.write(“Value “ + loopCounter + “ was “ + degFahren[loopCounter] +
“ degrees Fahrenheit”);
document.write(“ which is “ + degCent[loopCounter] +
“ degrees centigrade<br />”);
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