Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
Defining animation templates
The CIwResTemplateANIM class allows ANIM file data to be adjusted when
being processed. It only provides a couple of options, which are listed in the
following table:
Parameter Description
zeroMotionTolerance Allows a floating point value to be specified that will be
used to filter the translation part of any key frame data.
When animating a model it is possible that the artist may
accidentally include some small movements to the bone
positions, which yields a larger output data set. This value
allows movements up to the specified value to be ignored,
which can mean fewer key frames have to be output.
Another floating point value that specifies the precision
to be used when animating. The default value is 4.0 ,
meaning that the animation mathematics are calculated
at four times the world space resolution. If you have an
animation with lots of subtle movements, you may want to
consider increasing this value so that those movements are
not lost.
Defining GROUP file templates
Finally, there is the CIwResTemplateGROUP class that is used for creating a texture
atlas . A texture atlas is simply a collection of several smaller textures that are laid
out within a much larger texture. This can improve rendering speed since fewer
texture swaps are required when rendering.
We won't be looking at texture atlases in detail in this topic, so if you want
further information take a look at the Marmalade documentation page for the
CIwResTemplateGROUP class.
Producing binary versions of resources
Previously in this topic we've seen references to the fact that Marmalade produces
binary versions of our resources, which are normally both smaller in size and quicker
to load compared to the source assets.
Until now we've kind of glossed over this a little, but now that we know about build
styles it's worth taking a closer look.
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