Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
bone "PoleD"
pos {255.08751,-0.00000,-0.00000}
rot {0.00000,0.99624,0.08662,-0.00000}
bone "PoleE"
pos {257.19775,0.00000,-0.00000}
rot {0.99483,0,0,-0.10158}
// Keyframe# 15
time 0.58333
bone "FlagPoleBase"
pos {-0.38309,-1.27709,0}
rot {0.70668,0,0,0.70754}
bone "PoleA"
pos {258.20248,0.00000,0}
rot {0.99873,0,0,0.05033}
bone "PoleB"
pos {255.88675,0.00000,0}
rot {0.99775,0,0,0.06711}
bone "PoleC"
pos {257.60138,-0.00000,0}
rot {0.00000,0.99951,0.03144,-0.00000}
bone "PoleD"
pos {255.08751,-0.00000,-0.00000}
rot {0.00000,0.99996,0.00868,0.00000}
bone "PoleE"
pos {257.19775,0.00000,-0.00000}
rot {0.99853,0,0,0.05420}
// Further key frames follow to define the remainder of the
// animation but these have been removed to avoid including
// large amounts of datafile in the pages of this topic
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