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spread of splash-dispersed fungal pathogens. Additionally, since spatial and
temporal patterns of rainfall greatly influence spore movement in crop canopies the
influence of variability in rainfall characteristics and the effect of the intermittence
of rain occurrence on spore dispersal by rain-splash merit further investigation.
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flexibility and age . Zeitschrift für Pflanzenkranheiten and Pflanzenschutz , 99 , 234-244.
Geagea, L., Huber, L. and Sache, I. (1999) Dry-dispersal and rain-splash of brown ( Puccinia recondita )
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Plant Pathology, 48 , 472-482 .
Geagea, L., Huber, L., Sache, I. et al. (2000) Influence of simulated rain on dispersal of rust spores from
infected wheat seedlings. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 101 , 53-66.
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