Biology Reference
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Uniform (Affine) Components
There are six distinct types of uniform deformations for landmarks in two dimen-
sions, and they are independent of each other (meaning that they are mutually orthogo-
nal). Figure 5.4 shows these six operations carried out on a square configuration of
landmarks. The first four are the familiar ones that do not alter shape: translation along
two perpendicular axes ( Figure 5.4A,B ), scaling ( Figure 5.4C ) and rotation ( Figure 5.4D ).
These are all used in superimposing shapes. The other two uniform deformations do
alter shape: compression/dilation ( Figure 5.4E ) and shear ( Figure 5.4F ). Compression/
dilation refers to the case in which one direction has expanded (the vertical or
Y-direction in Figure 5.4E ) while the other has contracted (the horizontal or X-direction).
Shearing refers to translating landmarks along one axis by a distance proportional to
their location along the other axis.
FIGURE 5.4 The six uniform (affine) transformations: (A) translation along the vertical axis; (B) translation
along the horizontal axis; (C) scaling; (D) rotation; (E) compression/dilation; (F) shearing. The original (or refer-
ence) square is shown with dotted lines, while the deformed shape is shown with solid lines.
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