Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
The Vikings may have been fast disappearing into history, but Viking expansionism, along
with the coming of Christianity, planted the seeds - of success, of decline - for what was to
come. As Norway's sphere of international influence shrank, Norway's neighbours began to
close in, leaving this one-time world power having to fight for its own independence.
Trouble Abroad, Trouble at Home
In 1107 Sigurd I led an expedition of 60 ships to the Holy Land. Three years later, he
captured Sidon, in modern-day Lebanon. But by this stage foreign conquest had become a
smokescreen for serious internal problems. Sigurd died in 1130 and the rest of the century
a churchman-turned-warrior, paved the way for Norway's so-called 'Golden Age', which
saw Bergen claim the title of national capital, driven by Norway's perennial ties to for-
eign lands and, in particular, trade between coastal towns and the German-based Hanseatic
League ( Click here ). Perhaps drawn by Norway's economic boom, Greenland and Iceland
voluntarily joined the Kingdom of Norway in 1261 and 1262, respectively.
But Norway's role as a world power was on the wane and Norway was turning inward.
another at Akershus, in 1308, to defend Oslo harbour. The transfer of the national capital
Sweden in 1319, Norway began a decline that would last for 200 years. Once-great Norway
had become just another province of its neighbours.
In August 1349 the Black Death arrived in Norway on board an English ship via Bergen.
fell out of cultivation, towns were ruined, trading activities faltered and the national cof-
fers decreased by 65%. In Norway, as much as 80% of the nobility perished. Because their
peasant workforce had also been decimated, the survivors were forced to return to the land,
continues to define Norway to this day.
By 1387 Norway had lost control of Iceland and 10 years later, Queen Margaret of Den-
mark formed the Kalmar Union of Sweden, Denmark and Norway, with Eric of Pomerania
Iceland were broken and the Greenland colonies mysteriously disappeared without trace.
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