Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Kautokeino Villmarksenter HOSTEL €€
( 78 48 76 02;; Hannoluohkka 2; s/d Nkr750/900, 4-bed
cabins Nkr500) Setabovethemainroad,thisisafunctional,cheerlesssortofplacewhose
Caffé Galleriat CAFE
With its principal entrance on the main drag, this is a convivial little place for a relaxing
Maras Pub PUB
( 8pm-midnight or 2am Thu-Sun) Justoffthemainroad.Ananimateddivethatsome-
likely to spontaneously break into a yoik or two.
The tourist office ( 78 48 65 00, 957 55 199; ; 10am-6pm
Mon-Fri, 10am-5pm Sun mid-Jun-mid-Aug only) has occupied three different venues
on our last three visits. You might still find it on the ground floor of the Thon hotel.
Getting There & Away
Public transport is slim. Buses run between Kautokeino and Alta (Nkr235, 2¼ hours) daily
except Saturday). In July and early to mid-August, the Finnish Lapin Linjat bus connects
Kautokeino with Alta (1¾ hours) and Rovaniemi (eight hours), in Finland once daily.
Reisa National Park
Although technically in Troms county, Reisa National Park is most readily accessible by
road from Kautokeino. For hikers, the 50km route through this remote Finnmarksvidda
country is one of Norway's wildest and most physically demanding challenges. The north-
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