Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
lished homesteads here with government support, opening up these near-virgin lands and
helping to assert this ill-defined frontier territory as Norwegian.
Head to to purchase a downloadable PDF of the Finland
chapter from Lonely Planet's Scandinavian Europe guide, or the Russia chapter from
Lonely Planet's Eastern Europe guide.
Sights & Activities
It's worth a stop at the Strand branch of the Sør-Varanger Museum ( Jul-mid-Aug) ,
which preserves Norway's oldest public boarding school and illustrates the region's ethnic
mix. Visit, too, the timber-built Svanvik chapel dating from 1934, and a couple of 19th-
century farms, Bjørklund and Nordre Namdalen .
TheColdWarlookouttower Høyde 96 offersavieweastwardtothebleakRussianmin-
ing town of Nikel.
Douse yourself liberally in mosquito repellent before heading off into the wilds. The
most accessible route is the poor road that turns southwest 1.5km south of Vaggatem and
ends 9km later at a car park near the northeastern end of Lake Sortbrysttjørna. There, a
to end at the Ellenvannskoia hikers' hut, beside the large lake, Ellenvatn.
Also from the Ødevasskoia car park, it's about an 8km walk due south to Krokfjell
(145m)andthe Treriksrøysa ,themonumentmarkingthespotwhereNorway,Finlandand
Russia meet. Although you can approach it and take photos, you may not walk around the
monument, which would amount to an illicit border crossing!
The topographic sheet to use is Statens Kartverk's Krokfjellet, which conveniently cov-
ers the entire park at 1:25,000.
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