Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
comes free on this island - a certificate (Nkr50) authenticating your achievement
from Nordkapp Camping or the tourist office. Allow five to six hours round trip.
Astoundingly, you can spend the night in your motor home or caravan at Nordkapp itself
(fill up on water and electricity though, because you won't find any there for the taking).
Kirkeporten Camping CAMPGROUND €
( 78 47 52 33; ; Storvannsveien 2, Skarsvåg; per person/
site Nkr20/150, r with shared bathroom Nkr350-550, cabins with outdoor bathroom
Nkr500-575, 2-/4-bed cabins with bathroom Nkr850/950; mid-May-Aug) Just out-
sidethehamletof Skarsvåg ,thisisanotherwelcomingcampsite,afavouriteofBritishad-
venture tour groups. Its claim to be the 'world's northernmost camping' stands up; there's
a rival on Svalbard but it's without cabins. The cosy cafe does reindeer, a fresh-fish dish
daily special (both Nkr160), a bubbling tureen of soup (Nkr75) and pizzas (Nkr115).
POP 2400
Honningsvåg is by far the island's largest settlement.
Sights & Activities
Honningsvåg's Nordkapp Museum ( 78 47 72 00; ; Fiske-
riveien 4; adult/child Nkr50/10; 10am-7pm Jun-mid-Aug, noon-4pm Mon-Fri rest
of year) , upstairs and in the same block as the tourist office, illustrates the impact of early
visitors to the cape, the hard days in the immediate aftermath of WWII and the daily life of
a town that, until the advent of tourism, lived primarily from the sea.
The19th-century church (Kirkegata; 8am-10pm mid-May-mid-Sep) wastheonly
building in town to survive the Nazis' scorched-earth retreat in 1944. For a time it was a
communal dwelling until the first new houses were hastily erected.
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