Travel Reference
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Museum of Natural History & Archaeology NATURAL
Offline map Google map (Vitenskapsmuseet; ; Erling
Skakkes gate 47; 9am-4pm Mon-Fri, 11am-5pm Sat & Sun Jul-Aug, 10am-4pm
Tue-Sun Sep-Jun) This museum belongs to the Norwegian University of Science & Tech-
nology (NTNU). There's a hotchpotch of exhibits on the natural and human history of the
Trondheim area: streetscapes and homes, ecclesiastical history, archaeological excavations
and southern Sami culture. More ordered is the small, alluring display in a side building
devoted to church history and the fascinating everyday artefacts of the medieval section,
covering Trondheim's history up to the great fire of 1681.
Trondheim Kunstmuseum FINE ARTS MUSEUM
Offline map Google map (Bispegata 7b; adult/child Nkr50/30; 10am-5pm mid-
Jun-mid-Aug, 11am-4pm Tue-Sun rest of yr) Trondheim's Art Museum houses a per-
manent collection of modern Norwegian and Danish art from 1800 onwards, including a
hallway of Munch lithographs. It also runs temporary exhibitions.
During excavations for the library on Kongens gate, archaeologists found the ruins of a
12th-century church, thought to be Olavskirken Offline map , now visible beneath the
courtyard, together with the skeletons of two adults and a child. In the basement of nearby
Søndre gate 4 (which was being gutted when we last passed by) are the ruins of the medi-
eval Gregorius Kirke Offline map (Sparebanken), discovered during earlier excavations.
There's normally free access to both during regular business hours.
Offline map (Arkitekt Christies gate 1b; 10am-4pm Mon-Thu, noon-3pm Sun)
Trondheim'ssynagogueclaimstobetheworld'snorthernmost.Ithasasmall museum (ad-
mission Nkr25) of the history of the local Jewish community, which was decimated by the
Vitensenteret SCIENCE CENTRE
Offline map (Kongens gate 1; adult/child Nkr75/45; 10am or 11am-5pm) Children
models to choose from.
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