Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Norsk Fjordsenter FOLK MUSEUM
( , in Norwegian; adult/child Nkr100/50; 9am-6pm or 9pm
mid-Jun-mid-Aug, 10am-3pm Mon-Sat rest of year) The Norwegian Fjord Centre has
tools, artefacts and even whole buildings that have been uprooted and brought here, illus-
trating the essential themes - the mail packet, avalanches, the building of early roads and
the rise of tourism - that have shaped the land and its people. Take in too its evocative au-
diovisual presentation.
Flydalsjuvet VIEWPOINT
Somewhere you've seen that classic photo, beloved of brochures, of the overhanging rock
Flydalsjuvet, usually with a figure gazing down at a cruise ship in Geirangerfjord. The car
park, signposted Flydalsjuvet, about 5km uphill from Geiranger on the Stryn road, offers
a great view of the fjord and the green river valley, but doesn't provide the postcard view
down to the last detail. For that, you'll have to drop about 150m down the hill, then des-
to scramble down gingerly and with the utmost care to the overhang about 50m further
For the highest and perhaps most stunning of the many stunning views of the Geiranger
valley and fjord, take the 5km toll road (Nkr85 per car) that climbs from the Rv63 to the
Dalsnibba lookout (1500m). A bus (adult/child Nkr180/90 return) runs three times daily
from Geiranger between mid-June and mid-August.
Sea Kayaking
Coastal Odyssey ( 911 18 062; ) ,based at Geiranger Camp-
ing, is run by Jonathan Bendiksen, a Canadian from the Northwest Territories who learnt
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