Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
boulder-strewn rock. Here on this upland plateau, the sparse vegetation hugs the
ground close.
After crossing the watershed 10km beyond the ski centre, there begins a much
more gentle descent to rejoin the Rv15 beside the Grotli Høyfiellshotel ( cafe
10am-7pm) , a fine stop for lunch or a drink. Turn left for a fast, smooth, two-lane
run beside Lake Breidalsvatn before diving into the first of three long tunnels that
will bring you back to the National Park Centre and onward, retracing your steps
back to Stryn.
After the completion of these three linked tunnels in 1978, the old road was over-
shadowed by its younger alternative: 12 speedy kilometres along a wide road against
27km of winding single track - there was no comparison. But the Gamle Strynefjell-
svegen always drew travellers with time on their hands and lovers of wild scenery.
Now, freshly designated a National Tourist Route, it again enjoys a share of a differ-
ent, softer limelight.
The Gamle Strynefjellsvegen is normally free of snow from June to October. Elec-
tronic signs along the Rv15 indicate if the 'Strynfjellet' (its official name) is indeed
POP 2200
The small town of Stryn, de facto capital of upper Nordfjord, is something of a sprawl.
The helpful tourist office ( 57 87 40 40; ; 8.30am-5pm or 8pm
daily Jun-Aug, 8.30am-3.30pm Mon-Fri rest of year; ) istwoblockssouthofTon-
ningsgata, the main drag. It can arrange accommodation and rents mountain bikes (Nkr50/
200 per hour/day). Its booklet, Guide for Stryn, (Nkr10) includes local hikes. For greater
detail, invest Nkr30 in Kart over Fjallturar I Stryn, a map of mountain walks in the Stryn
region at a scale of 1:50,000 that features a whole holiday's worth of hiking trails.
Visnes Hotel HOTEL €€
( 57 87 10 87; ; Prestestegen 1; s Nkr750-900, d Nkr1000-1495;
) The Visnes, tautly run by the same family for six generations, oc-
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