Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Vangsgaarden GUESTHOUSE €€
( 57 63 35 80; ; d Nkr900, cabins Nkr850-1200; ) The
complex embraces four 18th-century buildings, six cabins down at sea level and the Due-
huset (Dovecot) Cafe & Pub ( 3-11pm) . Most rooms are furnished in antique style;
the dining room, for example, could be your grandmother's parlour.
Lunde Gard & Camping CAMPGROUND €
( 997 04 701; ; campsites Nkr190, cabins with outdoor
bathroom Nkr550, with bathroom Nkr950, 3-bed apt Nkr750; May-Sep) Thissmall
campground nestles agreeably beside a river, 1.2km up a side valley. Kitchen and toilet fa-
cilities are impeccable.
Aurlandskafeen CAFE €€
( 10am-9pm; lunch specials Nkr90-130, fish soup Nkr70) What distinguishes this
cafe from other bog-standard eateries in Norway is its neat little terrace overlooking the
rippling river where it flows into Aurlandsfjord.
Getting There & Away
Buses run up to eight times daily between Aurland and Flåm (Nkr32, 15 minutes) and one
Bergen (Nkr300, three hours) call in up to six times daily.
they'll certainly have their eye on you…
The 45km Snow Road, officially signed Aurlandsvegen , climbs from sea level,
twisting precipitously to the desolate, boulder-strewn high plateau that separates Aur-
land and Lærdalsøyri (Lærdal). This heart-stopping drive - strictly for summertime
(snow banks line the road and tarns are still deep-frozen even in late June) - has been
designated as a National Tourist Route, so get there quickly before the coaches catch
on. Even if you don't opt for the whole route, drive the first 8km from Aurland to the
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