Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
is a stunningly beautiful route that runs along the Rondane range. This is a designated Na-
tional Tourist Route ( ) .
The hiking season runs only in July and August. The most accessible route into the park
is from the Spranghaugen car park, about 13km uphill along a good road from Otta and
via the toll road (Nkr10). From there, it's a straightforward 6km (1½ hour) hike to Rond-
vassbu , where there's a popular, staffed DNT hut. From Rondvassbu, it's a five-hour re-
turnclimbtothesummitof Storronden .Alternatively,headforthespectacular viewfrom
the more difficult summit of Vinjeronden (2044m), then tackle the narrow ridge leading
to the neighbouring peak, Rondslottet (about six hours return from Rondvassbu).
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