Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Saltvannsakvarium ( , in Norwegian; Havnegata 4; adult/child
Nkr40/15; 10am-7pm May-Aug, shorter hr rest of yr) isasmallaquariumthatisfull
ofbubble-facedlocalfish.Itcanalsolayclaimtothetitleoftheworld'sonly lutefisk (dried
and salted white fish) museum. Well, we suppose somewhere has to! Not far away, the
small Drøbak Båtforenings Maritime Samlinger (Kroketønna 4; adult/child Nkr20/
free; 11am-7pm May-Aug) is a museum of maritime paraphernalia.
Not to be missed is the imposing Oscarsborg fortress , which lies on an offshore island
and dates back to the 1600s. It was the Oscarsborg batteries that sank the German warship
Blücher on 9 April 1940, an act that saved the king and the Norwegian government from
being captured. The fort museum was renovated in 2005, and open-air concerts and com-
plete operas are held here during the summer. There is even a hotel, spa and restaurant on
the island if you want to extend your stay. Ferries ( ) to the
island (adult/child Nkr70/50, five minutes) depart around 24 times daily from the harbour
Getting There & Away
The hourly bus 541 travels between Oslo and Drøbak (Nkr65, one hour). Alternatively, in
July you can travel by boat ( Click here ).
a car (motorcycles free).
POP 62,600
Drammen is an industrial centre of more interest to businesspeople than tourists. With
heavy port machinery and factories, it hardly jumps out at you as being worth a stop. It
does, however, have a couple of quirky elements: Drammen was the start of the Royal Rd
to Bergen, and it was the original home of the potato alcohol aquavit, which may war-
rant a detour. The Drammen Turistkontor ( 32 21 64 50;
men_turistkontor_as ; Bragernes Torg 6; 9am-6.15pm Mon-Fri, 10am-3pm Sat yr-
round, 10am-3pm Sun 21 Jun-Aug) can provide further information.
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