Travel Reference
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on the issue.
Harpoon - Into the Heart of Whaling by Andrew Darby is an erudite (and unashamedly anti-whaling) ac-
count of whaling in all its manifestations, from the history of uncontrolled slaughter to the more complic-
ated political debates of the present.
Forests cover an estimated 38% of mainland Norway, but forests set aside for cultivation
account for around 25% of Norwegian territory. Government-protected wilderness areas
account for less than 1% of Norway ' s forests, well below the international standard of
5%. More than 1000 forest-dwelling species are considered to be endangered and areas of
old-growth forest are extremely rare.
Oneremaining standofold-growthNorwegian forestthat hascaught theattention ofen-
vironmentalists isTrillemarka-Rollagsfjell, about100kmwestofOsloandcovering205sq
km. Environmentalists have called on the Norwegian government to set aside the area as
a protected reserve to shelter the endangered species that reside in the forest; among these
species are the lesser spotted woodpecker, tree-toed woodpecker, Siberian jay and golden
eagle, as well as threatened plant life.
hasoneoftheworld ' smostsustainableforestryindustriesandmuchofthevisibledamage
to the forests is due to agricultural clearing and timber overexploitation between the 17th
and 20th centuries.
Numerous small forestry operations, mostly in eastern Norway, cut about 8.5 million cu
metre annually. Clear-felling is practised in some areas but it's reasonably rare. In general,
ation. In addition, companies immediately re-seed the cuts, planting a total of around 50
million seedlings annually.
Wilderness Areas
Norway may have one of the lowest population densities in Europe, but due to its settle-
ment pattern - which is unique in Europe, and favoured scattered farms over villages -
even the most remote areas are inhabited and a large proportion of the population is rural-
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