Database Reference
In-Depth Information
relationship An association between common
fields in two or more tables.
report A database object used to display table
information in a formatted, easily acces-
sible manner, either on the screen or on
paper. It can include items from multiple
tables and queries, values calculated from
information in the database, and format-
ting elements such as headers, footers,
titles, and headings.
report selector The box at the intersection of
the vertical and horizontal rulers when
a report is displayed in Design view. You
click the report selector to select the entire
results datasheet The presentation of the rec-
ords matched by a query and any specified
calculations in a table-like structure.
ribbon A user interface design that organizes
commands into logical groups, which
appear on separate tabs.
row selector The gray box at the left end of
each row in the field definition area when
a table's structure is displayed in Design
secure password A password that includes
uppercase letters, lowercase letters, and
symbols or numbers, and that is not a word
found in a dictionary. Also called a strong
password . See also password .
security warning A warning that appears when a
database that contains one or more macros
is opened.
select query A query that matches records from
one or more tables and displays them in
a results datasheet. Can contain specifica-
tions for which fields to display in what
order and how to group (summarize) their
values. See also action query .
signing The act of guaranteeing the source
and content of a file by attaching a digital
sorting A method of arranging data based on
the order of specified information.
split database A database that has been organ-
ized into two parts: a back-end database
that contains the tables that store all the
data, and a front-end database that con-
tains the forms, queries, and reports that
people use to work with the data. See also
back-end database and front-end database .
SQL database A database based on Structured
Query Language (SQL).
subdatasheet A datasheet that is contained
within another datasheet.
subform A form that is contained within another
form. See also main form .
subquery A nested query that uses the results
of one query as a field in another query.
The nested query involves the use of a
Structured Query Language (SQL) Select
subreport A report that is contained within
another report. See also main report .
syntax The required format in which expressions
must be entered.
tab A component of the ribbon that contains
buttons organized in groups
tabbed page The display area allocated to an
open database object in the Access pro-
gram window workspace. You click the tab
to display the object's page. By default,
database objects are displayed on tabbed
pages. Alternatively, you can display ob-
jects in their own windows.
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