Database Reference
In-Depth Information
You can customize the Quick Access Toolbar in the following ways:
Define a custom Quick Access Toolbar for all databases, or define a custom Quick
Access Toolbar for a specific database.
Add any command from any group of any tab, including tool tabs, to the toolbar.
TIP A quick way to add a command is to right-click it on the ribbon and then click
Add To Quick Access Toolbar.
Display a separator between different types of buttons.
Move buttons around on the toolbar until they are in the order you want.
Reset everything back to the default Quick Access Toolbar configuration.
If you never use more than a few buttons, add those buttons to the Quick Access Toolbar
and then hide the ribbon by double-clicking the active tab or by clicking the Collapse The
Ribbon button. Only the Quick Access Toolbar and tab names remain visible. You can tem-
porarily redisplay the ribbon by clicking the tab you want to view. You can permanently
redisplay the ribbon by double-clicking any tab or by clicking the Pin The Ribbon button.
KEYBOARD SHORTCUT Press Ctrl+F1 to minimize or expand the ribbon. For a list of
keyboard shortcuts, see “Keyboard shortcuts” at the end of this topic.
In this exercise, you'll add a few buttons to the Quick Access Toolbar for all databases, and
then you'll test some of the buttons.
SET UP You need the GardenCompany13 database you worked with in the preced-
ing exercise to complete this exercise. Open the database, open the Employees table
in Datasheet view, and then follow the steps.
Display the Quick Access Toolbar page of the Access Options dialog box. Then
display the Choose commands from list, and click All Commands .
TIP If you want to create a Quick Access Toolbar that is specific to the active data-
base, display the Customize Quick Access Toolbar list on the right, and click For
< path of database >. Then any command you select will be added to that specific
toolbar instead of the toolbar for all databases.
In the Customize Quick Access Toolbar list box, click Redo . Then at the top of the
Choose commands from list box, double-click Separator to divide the default Save ,
Undo , and Redo commands from the custom commands you are about to add to the
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