Database Reference
In-Depth Information
If no table is selected in the Navigation pane when you click the Query Wizard button,
the first table in the list is selected on the wizard's first page.
Display the Tables/Queries list, and click Table: Customers . Then click the Move All
button to move all the fields from the Available Fields list to the Selected Fields list.
In the Selected Fields list, click the PhoneNumber field, and then click the Remove
TIP The quickest way to move all but one or two fields to the Selected Fields list,
especially if a table has many fields, is to move them all and then remove those you
don't want.
Display the Tables/Queries list, and click Table: Orders.
In the Available Fields list, double-click the OrderID , OrderDate , ShippedDate , and
RequiredDate fields to move them to the Selected Fields list. Then click Next .
TIP If a relationship between the tables hasn't already been defined, you will be
prompted to define it. You will then need to restart the wizard.
We want to display detailed query results, so with Detail selected, click Next .
SEE ALSO For information about using a query to summarize data, see “Summarizing
data by using queries” later in this chapter.
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