Database Reference
In-Depth Information
Display the More Fields menu, click Medium Date in the Date and Time area of the
list, and change the field name to fDate . Then display the menu again, click Check
Box in the Yes/No area, and name the field fBoolean .
Clicking the check box in the fBoolean field will indicate a Yes or True entry.
Save the table with the name FieldTest .
KEYBOARD SHORTCUT Press Ctrl+S to display the Save As dialog box. For a list of
keyboard shortcuts, see “Keyboard shortcuts” at the end of this topic.
Switch to Design view.
In turn, click each entry in the Field Name column at the top of the design page,
noticing the setting in the Data Type column and the property settings in the Field
Properties area. In particular, notice that the Default Value property of the fMoney
and fNumber fields is set to 0 .
Now let's examine how the data type restricts what you can enter in a field.
Switch back to Datasheet view. Then in the fShortText field of the first record, enter
This entry is 32 characters long (don't add ending punctuation).
In the fMoney field, replace $0.00 with the word currency , and then press the
Tab key.
When you press Tab, Access blocks the entry, explaining that it is the wrong data type and
providing options for fixing the error.
In the list, click Enter new value . Then enter -45.3456 , and press Tab .
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