Database Reference
In-Depth Information
Attachment Use to attach a file to a record in the same way that you might attach
a file to an email message.
TIP The Attachment data type can be assigned to a field only when the field is first
created. You can't assign the Attachment type to an existing field, nor can you change
an Attachment field to another data type. For information about the Attachment data
type, search for Attach files and graphics to the records in your database in Access Help.
Calculated Use to hold the results of a calculation based on other fields in the same
TIP The last option in the list displayed when you click the Data Type arrow in Design
view is Lookup Wizard. For information about using this wizard, see “Allowing only
values in lists” later in this chapter.
You can also click the More Fields button in the Add & Delete group on the Fields tool tab
to display a menu containing a list of data types with predefined properties that produce
fields with common data type refinements.
In this exercise, you'll use various methods to add fields of the most common data types to
a table. Then you'll enter data to test the data type restrictions.
SET UP You need the GardenCompany06 database located in the Chapter06 practice
file folder to complete this exercise. Be sure to use the practice database for this chapter
rather than continuing on with the database from an earlier chapter. Open the database,
and if you want, save your own version to avoid overwriting the original. Then follow the
On the Create tab, in the Tables group, click the Table button to start a new blank
table with an ID field that has been assigned the AutoNumber data type.
Let's add five fields with specific data types.
On the Fields tool tab, in the Add & Delete group, click the Short Text button. Then
change the selected field name to fShor tTex t .
TIP If you use the name of a data type as the name of a field, Access warns you that
the name might cause problems. We will identify all the fields in this table by their
data type, preceded by the letter f .
Display the Click to Add list, click Currency , and then change the field name to
fMoney .
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