Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Opening Folders
You cannot create folders directly. The only constructor is protected. Instead, you get a
Folder from a Session , a Store , or another Folder like this:
Folder outbox = container . getFolder ( "sent-mail" );
There are actually three getFolder() methods, one each in the Session , Store , and
Folder classes. They all have the same signature and behave similarly:
public abstract Folder getFolder ( String name ) throws MessagingException
These methods share an annoying idiosyncrasy with the File class. Getting a Folder
object doesn't imply that the named Folder actually exists on the server. To tell whether
the folder is really present, you have to test for it with the exists() method:
public boolean exists () throws MessagingException
When you first get a folder, it's closed. Before you can read the messages it contains, you
have to open the folder using the open() method:
public abstract void open ( int mode )
throws FolderNotFoundException , MessagingException
The mode argument should be one of the two named constants, Folder.READ_ONLY or
Folder.READ_WRITE . Some but not all implementations allow you to open multiple
connections to one real folder using multiple Folder objects.
Some operations discussed in this section, such as searching or retrieving messages from
a folder, can only be performed on an open folder. Others, such as deleting or changing
the name of a folder, can only be done to a closed folder. The isOpen() method returns
true if the folder is open, false if it's closed:
public abstract boolean isOpen ()
Generally, trying to do something with a closed folder that requires the folder to be open
or vice versa will throw a java.lang.IllegalStateException . This is a runtime ex‐
ception, so it doesn't need to be explicitly caught or declared.
When you're done with a folder, close it using the close() method:
public abstract void close ( boolean expunge )
throws FolderNotFoundException , MessagingException
If the expunge argument is true , any deleted messages in the folder are deleted from
the actual file on the server. Otherwise, they're simply marked as deleted, but the mes‐
sages can still be undeleted.
Folder does not implement AutoCloseable so even in Java 7 you may want to use the
dispose pattern to close a folder in a finally block. You'll want to check both that the
folder is not null and that it's open.
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