Java Reference
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Most of the methods you need in the MimeBodyPart and BodyPart classes are the ones
you're already familiar with from the Part interface, methods such as setContent()
and setDataHandler() . There are also three methods to read the contents of a
Multipart object:
public String getContentType ()
public int getCount () throws MessagingException
public BodyPart getBodyPart ( int index )
throws IndexOutOfBoundsException , MessagingException
The getContentType() method returns the MIME media type of the entire
Multipart , which is typically something like multipart/mixed or multipart/
alternative . This is not the same as the MIME types of the individual parts, which are
something like text/plain or image/gif .
The getCount() method returns the number of parts in this Multipart . The getBody
Part() method returns a particular part. Parts are numbered starting at 0, like the
components of an array. Example 7-5 is very similar to Example 7-4 , AllHeader
Client . However, Example 7-5 adds the necessary code to handle the body of the mes‐
sage. If the message is a single-part message, it's simply printed on System.out ; but if
the message has multiple parts, each part is handled separately. If the part has a multipart
content type itself, processMultipart() is called recursively. If the part has no filename,
does not have the disposition Part.ATTACHMENT , and has MIME type text/plain , it's
assumed to be an in-line message and is printed on System.out . Otherwise, it's assumed
to be an attachment and is saved into an appropriate file. If necessary, the static
File.createTempFile() method generates a reasonable name for the file.
Example 7-5. A mail client that handles multipart messages with attached files
import java.util.* ;
import* ;
import javax.mail.* ;
public class AllPartsClient {
public static void main ( String [] args ) {
if ( args . length == 0 ) {
System . err . println (
"Usage: java AllPartsClient protocol://username@host:port/foldername" );
return ;
URLName server = new URLName ( args [ 0 ]);
try {
Session session = Session . getInstance ( new Properties (),
new MailAuthenticator ( server . getUsername ()));
// Connect to the server and open the folder
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