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% java AttributeClient imap://
------------ Message 1 ------------
From: "Richman, Jeremy" <>
To: 'xsl-list' <>
Subject: Re: New twist: eliminating nodes with duplicate content
Sent: Thu Dec 06 08:37:51 PST 2012
This message is approximately 3391 bytes long.
This message has approximately 87 lines.
------------ Message 2 ------------
To: Unicode List <>
Subject: Re: Number ordering
Sent: Thu Dec 06 11:00:28 PST 2012
This message is approximately 1554 bytes long.
This message has approximately 18 lines.
------------ Message 3 ------------
From: John Posner <>
To: 'Nakita Watson' <>
Subject: RE: Another conference Call
Sent: Thu Dec 06 11:16:38 PST 2012
This message is approximately 1398 bytes long.
This message has approximately 19 lines.
Classes that implement the Part interface—for example, Message —generally declare
methods to return specific headers such as To: or From:. The Part interface, by contrast,
declares methods to get and set arbitrary headers regardless of name.
The getHeader() method gets the values of all the headers with a name that matches
the name argument. Some headers such as Received: can have multiple values and can
be included in a message multiple times, so this method returns those values as an array
of strings. It returns null if no header with that name is present in this Part :
public String [] getHeader ( String name ) throws MessagingException
The setHeader() method adds a new header to an outgoing message:
public void setHeader ( String name , String value ) throws
MessagingException , IllegalWriteException , IllegalStateException
If there's already a header with this name, that header is deleted and the new one inserted
in its place—unless the folder in which the message resides is read-only, in which case
an IllegalStateException is thrown.
By contrast, the addHeader() method adds a header with the specified name without
replacing any that already exist:
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