Java Reference
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Subject: CPreProcessorStream
Sent: Sun Dec 13 07:14:00 PST 2009
Received: Sun Dec 13 07:08:00 PST 2009
Messages received from the network (as opposed to sent to the network) generally be‐
long to some Folder . The getFolder() method returns a reference to the Folder object
that contains this Message :
public Folder getFolder ()
It returns null if the message isn't contained in a folder.
Within a folder, messages are organized from first (message 1) to last. The getMessage
Number() method returns the relative position of this Message in its Folder :
public int getMessageNumber()
Messages that aren't in any folder have number 0.
One of the things you can do with a folder is expunge messages from it. This physically
deletes the message if it's already been marked as deleted. (A merely deleted message
can be “undeleted”, whereas an expunged message cannot be.) If a message is expunged,
there may still be a Message object pointing to the message, but almost all methods on
the message will throw a MessagingException . Thus, it may be important to check
whether a message has been expunged before working with it. The isExpunged()
method does that:
public boolean isExpunged ()
The final method left in the Message class is match() . The match() method determines
whether a Message satisfies particular search criteria. We'll discuss this more in a bit
when we talk about searching folders:
public boolean match ( SearchTerm term ) throws MessagingException
The Part Interface
Both Message and BodyPart implement the Part interface. Every Message is a Part .
However, some parts may contain other parts. The Part interface declares three kinds
of methods:
• Methods for getting and setting the attributes of the part
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