Java Reference
In-Depth Information
The getFlags() method returns the flags of a particular message:
public abstract Flags getFlags () throws MessagingException
The isSet() method tests whether a specified flag is set for the given message:
public boolean isSet ( Flags . Flag flag ) throws MessagingException
Finally, the setFlags() and setFlag() methods set or unset (depending on the second
argument) the flag indicated by the first argument:
public abstract void setFlags ( Flags flag , boolean set )
throws MessagingException , IllegalWriteException ,
public void setFlag ( Flags . Flag flag , boolean set ) throws
MessagingException , IllegalWriteException , IllegalStateException
You delete messages by setting their Flags.Flag.DELETED flag to true . For example, to
delete message :
message . setFlag ( Flags . Flag . DELETED , true );
This only marks the message as deleted. It does not actually expunge it from the file on
the server. Until the message is expunged, it can still be undeleted by setting
Flags.Flag.DELETED back to false .
Example 7-2 is a slight modification of Example 7-1 , HeaderClient , which prints the
flags as well. As a general rule, POP servers won't report flags. Only a protocol that stores
messages and forwards them, such as IMAP or mbox, will report flags.
Example 7-2. A program to read mailbox flags
import javax.mail.* ;
import javax.mail.internet.* ;
import java.util.* ;
public class FlagsClient {
public static void main ( String [] args ) {
if ( args . length == 0 ) {
System . err . println (
"Usage: java FlagsClient protocol://username@host/foldername" );
return ;
URLName server = new URLName ( args [ 0 ]);
try {
Session session = Session . getInstance ( new Properties (),
new MailAuthenticator ( server . getUsername ()));
// Connect to the server and open the folder
Folder folder = session . getFolder ( server );
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