Java Reference
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If the message object is more specifically a MimeMessage object, there is also a set
From() method that takes a String as an argument, so you don't have to first construct
an Address object:
public void setFrom ( String address )
throws MessagingException , IllegalWriteException , IllegalStateException
The Reply-to Address
Some messages contain a Reply-to: header indicating that any replies should be sent to
a different address than the one that sent the message. There are two methods to set and
get these addresses:
public Address [] getReplyTo () throws MessagingException
public void setReplyTo ( Address [] addresses ) throws MessagingException ,
MethodNotSupportedException , IllegalWriteException ,
The semantics of these methods are the same as for the equivalent getFrom() and
setFrom() methods—in fact, the default implementation of getReplyTo() simply re‐
turns getFrom() —with the single caveat that an implementation that doesn't support
separate Reply-to: addresses may throw a MethodNotSupportedException when
setReplyTo() is invoked.
The Recipient Addresses
Whereas the sender of the message is generally found only in the From: header, the
recipients of the message are often split across the To:, Cc:, and Bcc: fields. Rather than
providing separate methods for each of these fields, the various getRecipients() and
setRecipients() methods rely on a Message.RecipientType argument to determine
which field's value is desired. RecipientType is a public inner class in jav
ax.mail.Message whose private constructor limits it to exactly these three static objects:
Message . RecipientType . TO
Message . RecipientType . CC
Message . RecipientType . BCC
There are two methods to find the addressees of the Message :
public abstract Address [] getRecipients ( Message . RecipientType type )
throws MessagingException
public Address [] getAllRecipients () throws MessagingException
The getRecipients() method returns an array of Address objects, one for each address
listed in the specified header. It returns null if the specified header isn't present in the
message. It throws a MessagingException if the specified header is malformed in some
way. The getAllRecipients() method does the same thing, except that it combines
the contents of the To:, Cc:, and Bcc: headers.
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