Java Reference
In-Depth Information
public static String toString ( Address [] addresses , int used )
throws ClassCastException
The InternetAddress.toString() methods convert an array of Address objects into
a comma-separated list of addresses encoded in pure ASCII, possibly folded onto mul‐
tiple lines. The optional used argument gives the number of characters that will precede
this string in the header field, such as To: or Cc:, into which this string will be inserted.
This information lets toString() decide where it needs to break the lines. A
ClassCastException is thrown if any of the Address objects in the array are not more
specifically InternetAddress objects.
Finally, the getLocalAddress() method checks several system properties ( mail.from ,
mail.user , , and ) as well as InetAddress.getLocalName() to
determine the email address of the current user:
public static InternetAddress getLocalAddress ( Session session )
For example, this code fragment tries to use the user's own email address rather than
one hardcoded into the program as a string:
msg . setFrom ( InternetAddress . getLocalAddress ());
However, there's no guarantee that any of these properties will necessarily give the user's
true address.
The NewsAddress Class
Perhaps a little surprisingly, with an appropriate service provider, the JavaMail API can
also access Usenet news. The API is mostly the same as for reading a POP or IMAP
mailbox. However, instead of using an InternetAddress , you use a NewsAddress :
public class NewsAddress extends Address
A NewsAddress object represents a Usenet newsgroup name, such as . It may include the hostname for the news server as well. The
state of a NewsAddress object is maintained by two protected fields:
protected String newsgroup
protected String host
The newsgroup field contains the name of the newsgroup—for example, netscape.devs-
java . The host field is either null or contains the hostname of the news server—for
example, . Both of these fields are set in the constructor. There are
three overloaded constructors for NewsAddress objects:
public NewsAddress ()
public NewsAddress ( String newsgroup )
public NewsAddress ( String newsgroup , String host )
They are used exactly as you'd expect. For example:
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