Java Reference
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There are also three static factory methods that convert a comma-separated string such
as "," into an array of addresses:
public static InternetAddress [] parse ( String addresses )
throws AddressException
public static InternetAddress [] parse ( String address , boolean strict )
throws AddressException
public static InternetAddress [] parseHeader ( String addresses , boolean strict )
throws AddressException
Again all three methods make basic checks that the string passed is a syntactically correct
email address. Setting the strict argument to true makes a couple of extra checks that
the regular parse() method doesn't. InternetAddress.parseHeader() is similar, ex‐
cept in this case setting strict argument to false makes even fewer checks than the
regular parse() method.
The validate() instance method strictly checks an address that already exists:
public void validate() throws AddressException
InternetAddress objects are mutable. You can change the value of their properties after
they are constructed. There are several getter and setter methods:
public String getAddress ()
public void setAddress ( String address )
public String getPersonal ()
public void setPersonal ( String name ) throws UnsupportedEncodingException
public void setPersonal ( String name , String charset )
throws UnsupportedEncodingException
public String getType ()
The setAddress() method sets the address field of the object to the specified value.
The setPersonal() method sets the personal and encodedPersonal fields to the
specified value (after encoding it, as necessary). The getAddress() returns the value of
the address field. The getPersonal() method returns the value of the decoded enco
dedPersonal field if it's available, or the personal field if it's not. Finally, the get
Type() method returns the string “rfc822”.
The toString() method returns an email address suitable for use in a To: or From: field
of an RFC 822 email message. It encodes non-ASCII characters as specified in RFC 822.
The toUnicodeString() method does the same except that it leaves non-ASCII char‐
acters unencoded:
public String toString ()
public String toUnicodeString ()
There are also two unusual static toString() methods that convert arrays of addresses
to strings:
public static String toString ( Address [] addresses )
throws ClassCastException
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