Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Password Authentication
Hardcoding passwords in source code, as Examples 2-1 and 3-1 do, is a very bad idea
to say the least. If a password is required, you should ask the user for it at runtime.
Furthermore, when the user types the password, it should not be displayed on the screen.
Ideally, it should not even be transmitted in clear text across the network, although in
fact many current clients and servers do exactly that.
When you start a mail session, the JavaMail API allows you to provide a jav
ax.mail.Authenticator object that it can use to get the username and password. Au
thenticator is an abstract class:
public abstract class Authenticator extends Object
When the provider needs to know a username or password, it calls back to the getPass
wordAuthentication() method in a user-defined subclass of Authenticator . This re‐
turns a PasswordAuthentication object containing this information:
protected PasswordAuthentication getPasswordAuthentication ()
These two classes are almost exactly the same as the
ticator and classes. Everything
you know about and
thentication is true of javax.mail.Authenticator and jav
ax.mail.PasswordAuthentication . The only thing you have to watch
out for is that if you import both* and javax.mail.* in a
class, your source code will have to use fully qualified names like instead of short names like Authenticator .
To add runtime password authentication to your programs, subclass Authenticator
and override getPasswordAuthentication() with a method that knows how to
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