Java Reference
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7. Open the INBOX folder.
8. Open the folder you want inside the INBOX folder. Repeat as many times as nec‐
essary to reach the folder you're seeking.
9. Get the messages from the folder as an array of Message objects.
10. Iterate through the array of messages, processing each one in turn using the methods
of the Message class. For instance, you might print out each message or simply
display the sender, subject, and other vital information in a GUI for the user to
select from, as in Figure 3-1 .
11. Close the folder.
12. Close the store.
Figure 3-1. A GUI for selecting mail messages
Each of these steps is individually quite simple. The first is to set up the properties for
the mail session. Properties you might want to set include ,
mail.pop3.user , and :
Properties props = new Properties ();
props . put ( "" , "" );
props . put ( "" , "pop3" );
props . put ( "mail.pop3.user" , "erharold" );
Alternatively you can provide this information in method calls, in which case an empty
Properties object is enough. Personally I prefer using method arguments instead of
system properties when possible since it avoids unexpected, hard-to-debug global con‐
figuration problems.
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